Freedom from Energy Price Increases for 25 years
Our Solar PV systems have proved that investments in renewable technologies will reduce energy costs whilst having a positive return on investment. Once installed systems start to reduce energy bills immediately, which includes DUoS and Triad charges, and in some cases can generate 100% of electrical energy. Not only do we work closely with manufacturers and suppliers of renewable technologies to source the most effective, reliable and competitively priced products, we have also developed partnerships with PPA and funding organisations to offer a variety of funding mechanisms to suit your business requirements.
Tom Gallagher’s solar PV design team uses market leading PV Sol software to create a 3D visualization of a building to provide our customers with detailed information on shadows cast at various times of the day and year, their effect on the PV system and consequently on likely reductions in yield so that savings and
Return on Investment can be accurately forecast in highly detailed reports.